If you are like most people who live in hot climates, you are very dependent on your air conditioner. When your air conditioner stops working, it can be a very uncomfortable experience. If the AC is not working, it would seem like common sense to turn it off, but you should wait a minute before you do.

If your thermostat is set to automatic, your home will be cooled or heated to a specific temperature. When a room reaches that temperature, the air conditioner will turn off until the room starts to get warm again.  It is specifically designed not to go above the temperature you have selected. If the air conditioner is not cooling for some other reason, you should turn it off and find out why.

Turning Off Home Air Conditioner

Why Air Conditioners Stop Cooling

There are several reasons why air conditioners will stop working. A couple of them are easy to fix, but others will require the services of an HVAC specialist.

The Air Filter is Dirty

The air filter is a very important part of your HVAC system. It is located in the front of your air conditioner unit, and when it gets dirty, it will not push cool air into your home and the unit will not work properly. It captures pollutants such as pet dander, allergens, and dust.

Fortunately, you can clean the filter yourself. Simply remove it and pull the lint off of it. This will work as a quick fix until you can get a new filter.

The frequency with which an air filter should be changed depends on the type of air filter you have. If you have a fiberglass filter, you should change it about every month. If you have pleated air filters made out of high-quality material, you can go as long as six months without a replacement.

Your Air Conditioner is Too Small

Air conditioners come in different sizes, and the type of unit you will need will depend upon several factors. The amount of cooling an air conditioner can provide is measured in BTUh which means British thermal units per hour.

The size and type of your home will determine the size of the air conditioner that you need. If you have the wrong size, there is a very good chance that it will simply feel as though it is not cooling.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

An air conditioner would never be able to work without the tiny component known as the evaporator coil. The warm air runs through the evaporator coil as it helps to remove heat from the air.

If your energy bills are suddenly a lot higher and your house seems hotter than it used to be, your air conditioning unit may have a frozen evaporator coil. You may also notice frost when you open up the front of your air conditioner.

A frozen evaporator coil usually means that your refrigerant is low. If your refrigerant is low, you almost definitely have a leak, and you need to call an HVAC specialist.

Maintaining your HVAC system and making necessary repairs will ensure that you stay cool all year long.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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