Over the years, the major cause of home fires has had an electrical origin. Fortunately, you can avoid an ordeal entirely by ensuring that all of your home’s electrical components are in good working order.

Inspecting the breaker panel or fuse box to determine when the last inspection was should be one of your priorities to safeguard your home from a potentially electrically-related fire.

When your home has damaged, outdated, or poorly installed wiring, it’s something you shouldn’t take lightly. Electrical malfunction or failure causes home fires every year, resulting in injuries, fatalities, and significant property damage. Anything unusual about your home’s electrical system would necessitate a thorough inspection by a professional electrician such as Finnley Electrical and others in the area.

If you want to ensure the safety of your home, you need to watch out for signs of faulty electrical wiring so you can call an electrician right away.

Home Electrical Wires

#1 Keep Track of How Many Times the Circuit Breaker Trips

Although circuit breakers frequently trip, this is what they’re designed to do when the system overloads, which is to turn off the power to the circuit.

Generally, you can readily switch it back on and continue with your daily routine. Consider it an indication of a potentially dangerous problem in the electrical wiring or that you’re overburdening the circuit with high-energy appliances or devices if the circuit breaker tripping frequency is unusually high, reaching up to several times per month or more.

When you have an older house, frequent tripping of the circuit breakers is likely. In such cases, it might be due to the overloading of the individual circuits with many fixtures and appliances. The best way to deal with this potential problem is to hire a professional to conduct an inspection of the electrical system in your home.

#2 Presence of Burning or Unusual Odor

When you have a sensitive nose, you might be able to tell that there’s something wrong in your home. Any burning or unusual odor might originate from the outlets or the electrical panel. If you can detect the burning odor right away, it’ll prevent a dangerous event. Unfortunately, if one occurs while you’re not present, it can cause significant damage. With this in mind, fire alarms should be a top priority in all homes.

Remember that a burning smell is already a sign of fire damage. Call a professional electrician to perform the necessary repairs in such scenarios.

#3 Lighting That Constantly Buzzes, Flickers, or Dims

It’s not safe to assume that your home’s electrical wiring is in good working order because the circuit breaker isn’t tripping. It’s a sure sign of outdated or damaged electrical wiring when the lights start flickering, buzzing, or dimming.

When the lights seem to be buzzing once you switch them on or start to flicker or dim while using several appliances simultaneously, it’s an indication that the wiring in your home requires an upgrade by an electrician.

#4 Fraying or Chew Marks on the Wires

Damage to the wiring in your home might be due to rodents or pets, which can put your home at risk of fire. If there’s any damage to the wiring, make the smart choice and hire a licensed electrician to conduct a thorough inspection and replace the damaged wiring.

Chew Marks On Wires

#5 Scorch Marks or Discoloration

As part of maintaining electrical safety, you also need to pay attention to the outlets in your home. When you notice discoloration or scorch marks on the outlets, it’s a sign that the wiring has been damaged and heat is being released. Heat is already causing damage to your home and, if ignored, could lead to a fire.

#6 Incorrect Outlets in the Kitchen and Bathrooms

Pay attention to the outlets in wet areas like the bathroom and kitchen if you’ve recently moved into a new home. Since water readily conducts electricity, all bathrooms and the kitchen should have outlets known as GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupters).

When the outlets around your bathroom or kitchen look the same as those in other parts of your home, consider swapping them with GFCIs in order to provide an additional layer of protection against shock when water is present.

#7 Outlets That Vibrate or Feel Warm to the Touch

If you suspect the electrical wiring in your home has problems or you already have deteriorated, old wiring, you might want to feel the outlets for warmth or vibrations. Once you notice any of these, get in touch with a professional to carry out repairs or replace any loose or damaged wiring right away.

Switch off any plugged-in appliances or devices and move to a different outlet if an outlet becomes excessively hot. However, it might be incorrectly wired if the outlet gets too hot even without anything plugged in. An electrician might advise you to flip the breaker or remove the fuse for that outlet until proper servicing is carried out.

Final Thoughts

If you suspect faulty electrical wiring in your home, you should be vigilant for any of these signs. Once any of these indications of faulty wiring are present, make the right decision by hiring a professional electrician. Keeping the electrical system in the best possible condition will safeguard your home from potentially damaging fires.

Published in: Smart home | Author: Lynn


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