A new HVAC system is one of the most significant purchases you can make for your home because it is responsible for the comfort and health of your family. Furthermore, it is a long-term investment. A new central air conditioner should last for around 15 years, during which time you should maintain and clean it regularly.

Hvac SystemPhoto credit: Unsplash

Before purchasing an HVAC system, there are various aspects to consider, so it is critical first to contact a specialist to discuss details based on your preferences, budget, and the size of your home.

To ease the decision-making process, we provided a few factors that you should consider to choose the best option for you and your family.

Types of AC Units

Central air conditioning, heat pumps, and ductless mini-split systems are the most common household cooling systems. Heat pumps collect any extra heat in the home and discharge it outdoors, whereas central air uses either a split system or a packaged unit to offer a pleasant environment throughout the house. Instead of controlling the temperature of your whole property, a ductless mini-split system allows you to manage the temperature of particular areas in your home.

  • Split system: Most HVAC systems are divided between two primary units or systems, one for cooling and one for heating.
  • Hybrid configuration: The key difference between this split system and others is that it is coupled with a hybrid electric heater system, which improves energy efficiency.
  • The ductless system comprises an exterior air conditioner for cooling and a heat pump for cooling and heating. This is appropriate for houses without ductwork.
  • The packaged system combines high-quality heating and cooling into a single unit, which is typically placed outside of homes without basements.

Size of the AC Unit

You should ensure your HVAC system is the correct size if you want to save money on monthly cooling expenditures during the hot summer months. To calculate the square footage, measure the length and width of your living space. Or you can get an HVAC professional to help you choose the right-sized air conditioner for your home.


Your HVAC unit will require annual tune-ups in the spring to prepare for the summer. You should purchase a low-maintenance, cost-effective central cooling system and plan yearly visits with an HVAC specialist to ensure that it continues to function for decades. The air filter should be cleaned or replaced, and the indoor and exterior components cleaned as part of this maintenance. You should also negotiate a service package that includes frequent inspections, repair discounts, and a labor guarantee as part of the overall price when you negotiate your installation.


Efficiency is the key to every appliance, especially if you live in a hot climate, where you need to have a high-efficiency HVAC system. Investing in an energy-efficient HVAC system can save you 20-40% on your energy bills. You can find the seasonal energy-efficiency ratio (SEER) of your air conditioner on the yellow sticker on the unit. Air conditioners must meet a minimum SEER of 13 (or 15 in some regions), while most modern air conditioners have a SEER ranging from 13 to 21.


Even though it’s more expensive, your objective should be to have a pleasant, consistent temperature in your house when picking the correct HVAC system. While you should choose an HVAC unit based on your budget, you should consider other variables like energy efficiency and longevity.

The cheapest choice isn’t usually the highest quality, and it’s seldom the most efficient—keep in mind that the money saved in energy and repair expenses by getting the right size and higher quality unit should be considered for any purchase decision.

Published in: Smart home | Author: Anna


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