Owning a home is a lifelong dream for most people, but once you become a homeowner, there’s a quick realization that home maintenance never ends. There is so much that goes into maintaining a home that even with a detailed checklist, you are likely to miss some things. While the consequences of not doing some maintenance tasks may not show up immediately, they can cause costly damage down the road. To save yourself costly repairs and trouble, update your home maintenance checklist with these easy to forget maintenance tasks.

Private House

#1 Change the Air Filters

If you notoriously forget to change air filters, you are not alone. Due to their busy daily life, many homeowners forget to do this simple maintenance task. A dirty air filter is a major cause of heating and cooling system breakdowns. Also, an air filter that’s clogged with dirt and debris reduces the amount of air flowing into the system. This leads to straining of the fan motor and other system components, resulting in early wear and breakdowns. In addition, it results in reduced efficiency since the motor is forced to work harder to move air, which can lead to a significant rise in your electricity bills.

The general recommendation is to change your air filter once a month, especially if you are using cheap fiberglass filters. While high-pleated filters can last a little longer, it’s advisable to inspect your air filter once a month to see if they need to be replaced. Once every month, remove your HVAC filter and hold it up to a light source. If light can’t pass through the air filter, it’s time to change it.

#2 Drain Your Water Heater Tank

Draining the water heater tank is one of those DIY maintenance tasks most homeowners are likely to forget. Over time, residue and minerals like lime and calcium settle at the bottom of your water heater tank, causing corrosion and impairing the efficiency of the water heater. Draining the water heater tank helps to extend the life of the water and should be done at least once a year.

#3 Clean the Vents and Ducts of the HVAC System

Cleaning the vents and ducts of your HVAC system should be on top of your home maintenance checklist. Apart from improving the airflow, it also helps to remove unpleasant odor and reduce allergens and irritants. You can keep the vents clean by vacuuming them every few months, but you will want to hire a professional to do the air duct cleaning for you, and that should be done at least once every year.

#4 Snake Your Sewer Line

The drain that directs wastewater and sewer out of your house is called the main drain or sewer line, and it can easily be clogged with things like baby wipes and cooking fat. A clogged sewer line causes the toilet to back up and overflow when you flush, leaving you with a smelly mess. For a clog-free sewer line, ensure it’s cleaned by snaking or high-pressure water jetting once a year.

#5 Endnote

Although home maintenance is not necessarily difficult, there a lot of things to keep track of. Having a clear idea of what you are supposed to do to keep your home in good condition, will allow you to enjoy greater safety and comfort with few surprises.

Published in: Ideas | Author: Sana


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