If you experience water in your basement, leaks in your foundation walls, cracked or uneven foundation issues, damp crawl spaces, or loose soil pressure around drains you better take immediate action and contact experts for a no-obligation free inspection. An expert team of engineers and licensed contractors will evaluate your home, property, or business for waterproofing needs in order to secure your basement construction.

House BasementPhoto credit: Unsplash

Address Waterproof Needs

Home repair companies offer several different services to address waterproof needs. Among them are basement waterproof construction, basement waterproofing system installation and repair, as well as basement leak repairs. The following tips for waterproof basement construction should assist you in completing a project successfully. Consult with a licensed professional contractor before beginning any basement waterproofing work.

Licensed Electrician and Plumber

First, make sure there are no underground gas, electrical or mechanical outlets in your basement. Gas lines can often be pulled out and rerouted through the walls using special equipment, or you may choose to employ the services of a licensed electrician and plumber to determine the location of the outlets and replace them where necessary. Electrical wiring should be inspected for shorts, faulty wiring, or exposed wires. Take care of any compromised or exposed pipes by removing them and installing new ones.

Drain Tiles

You will need extra electrical outlets for the lamps, TVs, computers, monitors and consoles you might add to the gaming room. You can get a contractor to install the new wiring to ensure it is done right. To make things look better, ask them to hide the wires under the carpets and furniture, and the outlets behind shelves. Ensure that you do not run cables and wires where someone can trip on them because that puts both the people using the room and its equipment at risk.

Install a Basement Waterproof System

Once the foundation, floor, baseboard, and roof are properly waterproofed, you will need to consider the specific area that will be flooded. For example, if your basement is below grade, you may not be able to install a basement waterproofing system on the upper levels of the house. In this case, it would be wise to contact a waterproofing professional to address the problem. On the other hand, if your basement is on the second level of your house and directly below a window, you could waterproof the entire basement by using a system including a sump pump and installing windows that have air dams to prevent water from leaking onto the carpet.

Methods for Basement Waterproofing:

Regardless of what method you choose for waterproofing your basement, several things must be considered before beginning the project. First, it is important to determine the exact area that will be flooded. Most basement waterproofing systems include drainage fixtures to direct runoff water away from the basement.

Also, it is important to consider the cost of waterproofing your basement. Some waterproofing methods can be very expensive, especially if special equipment is required. Before beginning a basement waterproofing project, make sure to budget properly to ensure that you do not spend more than you need to.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Lynn


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