There are many reasons people choose to live in a small home. Once your children have grown and you are on your own, you may not need as much space as you once did. Perhaps you are trying to live a mortgage-free life and would prefer to have more disposable income. Maybe you just like the idea of living in a cozy little pad. Whatever the reason, you can create a beautiful and functional home regardless of the floor space available.

Here are 4 tips on how to maximize space in a small home.

Small Living Space

First Things First – Declutter!

This is probably the most important thing to do if you want to maximize space. If you previously had a larger home with a lot of storage then you probably have a tonne of stuff. You may find that you don’t even need most of it. It may be difficult parting with your things, but you must be ruthless! Separate your belongings into different piles. Keep; charity; trash and to sell. If you haven’t used it in a year, get rid! Whilst it might feel a bit odd in the beginning you may be surprised how therapeutic it is freeing yourself of clutter and unused possessions.

Purchase Furniture Wisely

When you have a small space, every purchase needs to be carefully considered. Gone are the days of being able to buy a piece of furniture without measuring it first. A key tip when buying furniture is to buy things that have built-in storage. For example, if you are buying a bed, don’t just buy a divan and a mattress, look for an ottoman bed with huge amounts of storage built underneath. If you are buying new nightstands, make sure they have drawers. You might be surprised at how many beautiful yet functional items are readily available.

Organize Your Closets

If your home is quite small you may only have one or two small closets to store your items in. Plan carefully to make sure you are using every inch of space. Shelving is a great idea and allows you to use all available wall space. Cube storage is also very functional and looks great too.

Create a Beautiful Outdoor Space

If you have a small outside area, there are many things you can do to make it feel bigger and more luxurious. Why not attach hanging flower boxes and baskets to add color and a feeling of space? Laying grass in even the smallest of gardens can transform them. In terms of maintenance, look online and check out some lawn mowers for small gardens. Many of them take up hardly any space at all and can be easily stored in any of the many outdoor storage containers available these days.

No matter how small your new home is, with some careful planning and a bit of creativity, you can create an amazing and stylish space in next to no time.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Pete


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