Rodents are among the most common wild home invaders in the United States, at present. Because of their high adaptability, rodents have learned how to live side by side with humans, while they look for the two things most important to them: food and shelter.

And while you’re liable to find rodents on your property at any point, during any season, and in any area of the country, they’re just that much more likely to pop up during a home renovation. So in the lines below, we’ll talk a bit about how you can keep rodents away while you’re redecorating.

Rodents Free Home

Why are rodents more attracted to a home in renovation?

Renovating can be a great way to breathe new life (not to mention a new style) into the home, but let’s face it – it also creates plenty of mess for rodents to live in. Quite often, rodents only need a teeny-tiny crack to squeeze through, and renovation often provides that. Furthermore, when you’re redoing your home, you leave behind quite a mess of boxes, fabrics, debris, and so on. And it might not sound like much to you, but to a rat or mouse, it can create the ideal setting to build a home.

What can you do to keep rodents away while renovating?

There are several options for deterring rodents – the one you opt for will depend on your particular case, of course.

1.   Keep the messiness to a minimum.

Remember that rodents are attracted to piles, boxes, and so on, because it provides them with a solid cover. And while keeping the home clean during a home renovation can be a job and a half in and of itself, we suggest that you try. The cleaner the home, the less appeal it will have for rodents.

And we’re not just talking about the debris here – make sure not to leave food sources out in the open for too long, to avoid a rodent invasion.

2.   Seal up holes and cracks quickly.

We get that it’s necessary for the renovation to make a hole in the wall or open up the roof, or what have you. But try to keep these holes there for as little time as possible. That way, the nearby rodents won’t have as many chances to sneak into your home.

Also, when you’re sealing a hole, we suggest that you use something like wire mesh that’s difficult to chew or claw through, so as to avoid wild animal invasions in the future.

3.   Contact a wildlife removal company.

A wildlife removal company might not be the first thing on your mind when you’re redoing your home, but maybe they should be. Having a professional on call could help save you a lot of trouble, as these people are capable of spotting weak points in the renovation site, as well as common rodent attractions. So have a wildlife removal company inspect the property to ensure you’re doing everything you can.

4.   Use a motion-activated deterrent.

Alternatively, you could visit a specialty store and buy a motion-activated rodent deterrent. Usually, these deterrents will start up when they sense movement and emit either a high-pitched noise that will be significantly bothersome to the rodent, or a light or even a smell to repel the rodent.

Try to place this deterrent in the areas most at risk of a rodent invasion, for example the room that’s messiest or the one with the cracks in the wall. Don’t worry, these deterrents are designed especially not to bother humans!

Published in: Home advice | Author: Laurel


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