After you have lived in your home for some time, it is common to not really see it anymore. You may not notice the pillows on the couch, clothing not in the hamper, and the clutter on the desk. It works like fixtures in the space that you stop noticing them. This happens to all of us. However, when guests come over, they are sure to see everything. Right before you host a party, you need to get your home party-ready and it is not as overwhelming as you think. It can be easy to get rid of the eyesores in every room that you no longer see.

There could be litter in the living room and a pileup of papers in the kitchen, but you do not need to get rid of these items at once. However, relocating them during the party is the easiest and the quickest way to make the space look tidy and organized. You do not even need to buy anything new to get your home party-ready. Go through every room and point out the items you want out of sight. Let’s check out some easy ways to get the home ready for guests.

House Guests


It is best to start cleaning the kitchen because this is where you will spend a lot of your time. The kitchen is the heart of your home but it tends to be messier than any other place in the home. Hence, you need to start by checking the countertops. If you have a lot of mails, bills, and catalogs, you need to move them. You do not need to sort everything right away but keep them in a storage box separately and remember to go back to them after the party is over.

Next, prepare your kitchen for entertaining. Look at all the small appliances that are placed on the countertop. You do not need to have them out during the party. They occupy a lot of space and make it look unorganized. Relocate them to a pantry or cabinet. You can use this extra space for drink mixing and meal preparation

Living room

After you are done cleaning the kitchen, you need to move to the living room. This is the place that has maximum footfall and will welcome guests. If the living room has turned into your workstation or a playroom for kids, you need to get it sorted right away. Pick a box and collect all the toys and stash it under the bed. Put your laptop and other work essentials in your bedroom.

There are usually a lot of cords and wires in the living room due to the game system, speakers, and TV. Before the party, you must sort through all the cords and place them in a cable box. It will make the room look neater and organized. Once you clean the place, you need to consider how your guests will sit. You need to add fresh cushions to the couches to make them look inviting. Dust off corner areas that have been neglected, you’ll often notice cobwebs or dust on any edging of wall décor as well. Remember to check the lights in the room before you welcome the guests.


You may feel like skipping the bathroom while you get the house ready for a party but do not make this mistake. Many people could use the bathroom and if it is messy and untidy, it will leave a bad impression. No matter the amount of time you spend cleaning the house, if the bathroom is not clean, it will be a huge turnoff.

It is convenient to keep a ton of products on the bathroom counter but it will look cluttered to the guests. You simply need to stash everything in a basket or in the drawers under the counter. Once the party is over, you can replace them on the counter. If there is a shower curtain in the bathroom, it will be the first thing that guests will notice and it is also the one thing that has a dingy smell due to humidity and moisture. You can choose to remove the curtain completely or get it washed. Using an air fresher in the bathroom is a good way to keep it odor-free and clean. Further, do not leave the brushes and cleaners on display. After cleaning the bathroom, ensure they are out of sight.


If you do not have the time to deep clean your house, focus on these three areas and your home will be party-ready in no time. You do not need to buy anything new or visit the dry cleaners. With simple and quick organizing, you will ensure that nothing comes in the way and the house looks well maintained and tidy. Put on a few string lights and you are all set to host a bash!

Published in: Home advice | Author: Albert


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