Outdoor space is a top asset to any property. And while the exterior area at the front is intended to provide a welcoming curb appeal, backyard space is usually envisioned as a zone of privacy.

With the construction boom of late however, securing a peaceful private retreat outdoors has become quite a challenge, having to deal with the neighbors’ house or/and backyard at close proximity. Getting privacy outdoors in the city has become even more difficult, for outdoor spaces being very limited, and where, for the sake of a more impressive curb appeal, architecture would often just ‘imply’ boundaries between such zones.

So, how can this issue be resolved? Here are a few useful tips and smart solutions to implement.

Outdoor Space PrivacyPhoto credit: Pexels


Well planned landscaping is among the best and most traditional ways to fence off private outdoor spaces. And while landscaping solutions can vary greatly depending on the size, location, shape, etc. features of the outdoor area, here are a couple of ideas to consider:

Outline the boundaries of the backyard with a mix of properly spaced broadleaf trees and evergreens. These ‘living walls’ provide not only more balanced privacy options but also beautiful dappled light.

Hedges? Sure! But why not try something more interesting like a carefully structured espalier?! Espalier designs can be used to conceal unsightly walls or fences, or block views of utility structures, and involve from fruit trees and fragrant flowery bushes to climbing plants with long flexible branches entwined in various shapes to create a ‘living’ fence.

Consider multilevel landscaping. Sloped terrain can be a great advantage, but layered backyard layout can be created even on a flat ground. Vegetation of different heights and potted plants, terraced decks, flights of stairs, discrete alleys and even water features make tiered gardens so romantic!


Screens are a great solution for creating secluded spots of privacy in outdoor areas. For one, most of them are portable, lightweight and compact, so, they can be conveniently arranged and easily moved around, whether screening off a private spot in the backyard garden or separating adjacent balconies in a city block of flats. Screens also provide the perfect display surface for beautiful climbing plants or for creating green walls.

Canopy / Shade

Sometimes, all you need for hiding from curious eyes, is a bit of overhead protection – an option highly sought after for city balconies, sunny terraces, or open-air lounge areas. Surely, the large garden parasols are the most popular choice, moreover that these come in a wide variety of sizes, colors and structures, which allows their multipurpose application. There are however also other, and should we say, way more attractive options for providing overhead shelter. From pergolas and arches to arbors and gazebos, such structures offer lots of creative solutions for turning the outdoor space into a charming private paradise.


Curtains are perhaps the most practical alternative for shielding outdoor settings with limited seclusion. Pull them aside, and they provide the ideal indoor-outdoor transition between living spaces. Close them, and you have your private shelter, protected from the sun and from peering eyes.

Apart from the obvious aesthetic reasons for being available in a huge variety of fabrics and colors, curtains are also super easy to maintain, as much as they offer the opportunity to change scenery as frequently as you wish. Besides, the airy billowing curtains enclosing a zone of privacy look stunningly chic!

Outdoor Space With CurtainsPhoto credit: Unsplash

Outdoor Cinema

Now, here’s an amusing idea! For one, the large movie screen itself can shield off your outdoor private spot. And on the other hand, you shall have so much fun watching your favorite movies with family and friends! To make the experience ever more pleasant, make sure to furnish your outdoor cinema with comfy furniture, lots of soft throw pillows, and let those corn kernels never stop popping!

Published in: Outdoors | Author: Rossitsa


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