Based on statistical projections by Statista, the world should be housing a record-high 303 million smart homes in 2022. This means the number of modern homeowners who’ve realized how rewarding it is to stay in a home that’s automated is significantly growing.

While owning a smart home may seem like a far-off dream, it’s not as difficult to achieve as you might think. Below, we will discuss four home improvement tips that will help turn your home into a smart home and elevate your comfort and luxury levels!

Modern White Kitchen In A Smart HomePhoto credit: Unsplash

#1 Install a Smart HVAC Unit

If you’ve ever come home to a stuffy and hot house after a long day in the summer heat, you know how important it is to have a functional air conditioning unit. However, old and outdated AC units can be a huge energy waster. This is where smart HVAC units come into play. Smart thermostats can save you a significant amount of money on your energy bill by automatically adjusting your home’s temperature based on your daily routine.

In addition, smart HVAC units can also monitor the air quality in your home and make adjustments accordingly. This is especially beneficial for those with allergies or asthma.

#2 Install a Smart Lock

A smart lock is an ideal security option you should consider if you’re looking for a home improvement tip that will make your life easier. With a smart lock, you’ll never have to worry about losing your keys or locking yourself out of your house again.

You can also program your smart lock to allow certain people access to your home at specific times. For example, you can give your dog walker access to your home during the day while you’re at work.

#3 Upgrade Lighting

Another home improvement tip for a smart home is to upgrade your lighting. Traditional light bulbs are becoming a thing of the past. Not only are they less energy-efficient, but they also produce less light. Smart LED bulbs, on the other hand, use much less energy and provide bright, white light that you can adjust to your needs.

Not only are LED bulbs more energy-efficient, but they also last much longer than traditional light bulbs. This means you’ll save money in the long run by not having to replace them as often.

#4 Upgrade Your Home Network

A home network is essential for a smart home. This is because all of your smart devices will need to be connected to the internet to work properly. If you don’t have a solid and fast home network, your smart devices will likely not work as well as they should.

One way to upgrade your home network is to invest in a mesh network. A mesh network consists of multiple wireless routers to create a single, strong, and fast wireless signal.

Another way to upgrade your home network is to invest in a powerline adapter. This will allow you to connect your devices to your home’s electrical wiring, which can provide a stronger and more reliable connection than Wi-Fi.


If you’re looking to upgrade your home and make it smarter, these are the few things you can do to get started. From upgrading your home network to investing in smart devices, there are plenty of ways to make your home work for you. With a little bit of research and planning, you can easily turn your house into a smart home.

Published in: Smart home | Author: Yanita


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