Your home is your biggest asset, so taking care of it should be your top priority.

Making home improvements over time can dramatically increase a home’s value when it’s time to sell.

So, whether you plan to sell your house or hold onto it for another few years, here are five projects to improve your space that won’t break the bank.

Increase The Value Of Your Home

#1 Add Practical Square Footage

In areas where land and space are finite, adding more usable space makes a lot of financial sense. Homes are valued by the livable square feet they contain, so more livable space is always better.

Building an extra bathroom (or other practical space) onto your home increases function, so the value increases, too.

Adding a separate dwelling that functions as a cottage or mother-in-law suite is also a great way to add value because most homes don’t have them – which will set you apart from the competition when you decide to sell.

#2 Declutter and Deep-Clean

Did you know that decluttering and deep-cleaning your home can add around $4,000 to its resale value? Buyers appreciate a clean house and they are willing to pay extra if your home is pristine.

Not only does cleaning your home thoroughly make it more visually appealing, but it indicates to potential buyers that you have taken good care of other aspects of the property. You should clean your house from top to bottom regularly, or get a professional cleaning service to do it for you.

Even if you don’t plan to put your home on the market any time soon, cleaning and decluttering is a good way to make better use of your space. Begin by going through closets and cabinets and donating what you no longer use or need – do this every once in a while to avoid accumulating clutter.

#3 Improve Efficiency

It may come as a surprise, but you don’t need to fork out tens of thousands of dollars to make your home more energy-efficient.

Making small upgrades and tweaks – like installing a smart thermostat and switching to LED light bulbs – is a great way to make your house more efficient.

Other ways to improve your home’s efficiency include replacing old, leaky windows, investing in energy-efficient appliances, and adding insulation.

All these improvements will save you money and add value to the sales price of your home.

#4 Add a Coat of Fresh Paint

Whether you’re adding a layer of color or just sprucing up the exterior or interior of your home, a fresh coat of paint works like magic. Fresh paint can make old and outdated rooms look fresh and new – and it’s an inexpensive way to instantly add value to your home.

Begin by going through your home and repainting any rooms with an unconventional color scheme. For instance, if your teenage daughter painted her room neon green when she was still in high school, it’s time for an upgrade.

When repainting, choose a warm, neutral color scheme to make your home look more modern and inviting.

#5 Update Your Kitchen

Most potential buyers tend to zero-in on the kitchen when viewing a home – the kitchen is meant to be a functional space and it’s the heart of a home, after all.

If you have an outdated kitchen or the size and layout make it less functional, you should consider an upgrade. If you can’t afford a massive overhaul, a small kitchen remodel can still work wonders.

Try to coordinate your kitchen appliances so they match and consider installing modern hardware on your cabinets.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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