It’s been two years since the beginning of the Covid-19 virus, and everyone has more or less adjusted to the changes it has wrought on their way of life. One of these changes was the shift to working from home — from having to be in the office all day, many employees now have the flexibility to work from the comfort of their home or virtually anywhere they want.

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, only about 10% of American workers declared themselves to be teleworkers. However, since the onset of the global health crisis, over 36.9% of American households have had at least one member of their family work from home due to the virus. This exponential increase has brought a lot of changes to home life, making it easier to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Although it’s been a while now since the normalization of the remote work setup, some people still find it difficult to cope with the changes. After all, transitioning from an office environment to having to do everything at home can feel challenging!

Home Working DeskPhoto credit: Pexels

Are you one of the millions of Americans or others around the globe working from home? If you want some ideas on how to improve your workspace and avoid job burnout, here are some tips to create a remote work environment more conducive to productivity and job satisfaction:

Have a Dedicated Workspace

At the office, teams or departments have designated areas where they can work, collaborate, and get their brain gears grinding. It can be challenging to do this at home, especially since everything is done virtually and there’s limited supervision.

For those with household responsibilities, finding a workspace to get your work done can feel close to impossible – you’ll find yourself working in different areas within the day, often in broken up shifts.

As much as possible, try and have a single dedicated workspace when you work. This can help increase productivity as your mind is conditioned to be more productive in that workspace and helps draw boundaries with the people in your home.

Working in different areas of your home can make you susceptible to the temptations of multitasking, making your mind feel scattered. Having an exclusive area for work can help you develop better focus. So stop working from your bed or couch — treat your workspace and personal spaces differently!

Ergonomic Seating

When working from home, it’s also important to have ergonomic seating. Bad posture can lead to stress and physical pain in the back, neck, and shoulders! Why?

Some people tend to arch their backs while working while others remain seated for long periods without a break. It’s important to get a seat that has your back (if you’ll excuse the pun).

However, sometimes this won’t be enough. Be sure to stretch multiple times in a day as you work to avoid any recurring pain.

Apart from choosing the right seat and stretching multiple times within the day, you can improve your posture and relieve back pain by using a laptop stand. This helps improve your eyesight too! Keeping your screen elevated can help you knock out the unconscious habit of having to crane your neck to look down at your laptop.

So, for the sake of your back, work at a desk with a chair that properly supports you!

Pay Attention to the Minor Details

Among the other ways you can improve your remote workspace is by paying attention to minor details. One of the most often overlooked details in any workspace is the lighting: dim or insufficient lighting can negatively affect your mood. What this means is, working in a room with insufficient lighting can make you feel irritable or tired; hampering your level of productivity. Natural lighting is the best possible option for those who work at home. Other alternatives include a desk lamp and overhead light.

(Pro tip: you can also invest in a ring light if you’re part of a meeting-heavy workplace. These lights illuminate your face during online meetings, helping you become more confident to engage with your team!)

Home Office SetupPhoto credit: Pixabay

Aside from lighting, temperature also matters. This might feel like a no-brainer, but some people have limited productivity if their surroundings are too hot or too cold. Find a middle ground; increase ventilation by opening doors and windows, or by buying a simple fan.

Every office will experience difficulty when resources are lacking, and your home office is no exception. Have it tailor-made to meet all your needs, even if they might be frivolous. From tape dispensers and pen holders to paper and a printer, investing in what can help you work better can improve your level of productivity.

Cleanliness Helps You Focus

You don’t have to be a neat freak to appreciate a clean office — in fact, research backs up the fact that employees generally feel more productive and have higher employee satisfaction in clean workplaces. This isn’t any different for people who work at home! Less physical clutter can certainly help reduce mental clutter.

At your workspace, one way you can ensure cleanliness is by tidying up your cables. Cable management is an often-overlooked aspect in a person’s remote work area. Just a couple of zip ties or labeled boxes will do the trick!

It’s also good to have a regular cleaning schedule. Most homes already do, but in an area like your workspace, it might need more attention, especially if you’re eating there or staying there for hours on end. Even just small amounts of dirt and dust piling up each day can accumulate to A LOT if left untouched!

If scents help you focus, then have at it! Invest in good-quality scented candles, room sprays, or even scent diffusers for your workspace. Whatever it takes to get in the zone, right?


Creating the best workspace doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Sometimes, it’s a matter of keeping both internal and external distractions out of the way. If you can’t work at home, another alternative could be to visit coworking spaces near your area. But if your company has been gracious enough to give you an allowance for remote work purposes, then, by all means, maximize it.

Some of the changes you can make won’t cost you a dime, but even if there is some expense involved, consider it an investment in your future success.

Lastly, focusing on a remote work setup can sometimes feel impossible, but it’s not — connecting with your remote teammates and being productive is still perfectly possible with all the advancements of technology. Creating a remote working environment conducive to productivity is a step in the right direction of successfully adapting to this new way of life.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Jessica


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