For most people, summer may mean dips in the pool, beach cricket, and BBQs. However, there are days when the summer season isn’t fun, and turning on the air conditioning (AC) system seems to be your only option.

But, did you know that you can keep yourself and your home cool during summer even without causing harm to the environment?  Well, below are some of the tips you can consider to achieve it:

Home Ac System

#1 Maintain Your AC Unit

Your AC might not work at capacity, particularly if it hasn’t been maintained regularly. So, make sure to stick with your AC maintenance schedule to ensure that your unit will function at its best to keep your family comfortable and cool.

#2 Block the Heat

Stop the heat from getting into your home if you don’t want to spend more on utility bills. You can do this by shading the walls and windows using external coverings, such as big potted plants, awnings, or blinds. Plant trees that cast shade over your house in the summer, but let the sunshine through in winter. If possible, consider window tinting and try to top up your ceiling insulation.

Wooden Blinds

#3 Keep Garden Doors, Balcony, аnd Windows Open

Another way to prepare your home for summer and keep it cool is to open your windows and doors in the late afternoon and early in the morning. The trick is to keep the air moving through your house. Basically, think of the breeze moving through your house.

To achieve this, ensure that your windows are open at the opposite ends of your house, while keeping your doors open. It will allow air to move freely and create a draft in your home. However, if you find mosquitoes and flies getting in, using a net that would cover your windows and door frames may come in handy.

#4 Adjust Ceiling Fans

There are instances when you’d feel like ceiling fans push the hot air around your house instead of cooling it down. Well, that’s not true because fans that don’t rotate counterclockwise might be doing that. So, set your ceiling fans to counterclockwise rotation during summer to push the air straight down, producing a cooling effect.

In warmer months, set your fan speed to high. It can also complement some cooling units you have at home. Just ensure that they’re rotating in the right direction so they can make a difference to your home’s temperature.

#5 Invest in House Plants

House plants have been high in demand recently because they don’t only keep your home cool, but can also boost your mood. Plants serve as natural air conditioners and produce moisture into the atmosphere. Therefore, having house plants can help keep your home cool in summer, and naturally at that. However, never forget to water them, especially when the outside temperature becomes too hot.

#6 Change Your Sheets

Not only can switching your bedding freshen up your room, but it can also be a good way to keep cool. While textiles like fleece blankets and flannel sheets are ideal for insulation, anything that’s made of cotton is a better option as it stays cooler and breathes easier.

You may also try using buckwheat pillows because they won’t hold your body heat, unlike conventional pillows.

#7 Take Advantage of The Night Air

During the summer season, temperatures often drop during night time. If it’s the case where you live, consider taking advantage of the night air by opening your windows. You may even make a wind tunnel by setting up your fans to force a cold breeze in your room. Just make sure to close your blinds and windows before things get very hot in the morning.

#8 Control the Humidity

Energy-efficient dehumidifiers can help you keep things more comfortable. To address minor moisture problems, portable dehumidifiers are a great choice. However, they’re not a good alternative if you want proper ventilation.

Open windows or use an exhaust fan when doing activities that produce moisture, such as washing, showering, cooking, or running the dishwasher. After showering, let your exhaust fan run for several minutes. Drying your clothes outside will never add moisture to your house and will surely save energy.


Summer can be fun, but if you’re at home and you want to ensure that your house stays cool no matter how hot the temperature is outside, make sure to keep the above tips in mind. Those tips are simple to do and won’t require any special tools, a huge budget, or expertise. Just be sure to implement them properly to get great results.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Irene


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