When you own a house there is always a list of to-dos that feels endless. The dread of completing one task only to be confronted with another is frustratingly familiar. But there are some home issues that fall into the category of serious and urgent and must be dealt with immediately. Here are our five urgent home issues we feel must not be neglected and dealt with as soon as possible.

Urgent Home Repairs

#1 Damp

Damp is an issue that can be seemingly small, often only a little blemish on the paintwork being a telltale sign, but it should not be left un-treated for long. If damp takes hood, it can create health issue for you and your family, and structural issues for the property. Damp can sometimes be prevented by ensuring good ventilation, making certain that furniture or other objects are not trapping moisture in. If it is persistent, or spreading then it is best to call in a professional to inspect the problem.

#2 Leaks

Leaks or drips in the water pipes can be disastrous when they happen in a major way. Often the worst of this would be during the winter months; when pipes expand and contract with freezing and thawing water it can pressure them, and often create leaks or a full burst pipe. If you notice any unusual pressure, or sounds, you should properly investigate. If you are leaving the property for any period during the cold weather, ensure you have the heating to come on twice a day to prevent frozen pipes.

#3 Pests

What could be worse than finding out we have a pest infestation in our home? It’s surprisingly common to have issues with small insects or rodents. What we need to do is take care of the situation early to avoid a major incident. There are plenty of sprays and traps on the market we can use to try and sort the problem. But, if we are at all in doubt about how serious the matter is we should not hesitate to call in a professional exterminator to be sure they are all gone.

#4 Power Failure

Power failures are thankfully rare these days, but not completely unheard of. Sometimes they are out of our control, the power age is from the grid and we can see our whole street or neighbourhood affected. But if it is just our house then we can investigate and usually restore power relatively quickly. Most common reason power is out is due to a tripped breaker. You will find breakers control groups of items, usually one for the lights, then a few groups depending on the size of the house, there will also be a main breaker for the whole system.

#5 Damage to Windows, Doors, etc.

If you have any window or door damage then it’s clear this is an urgent problem. It will create both security and heating issues. Have any cracks or beaks replaced or repaired immediately. Even the roof can be a tricky issue to sort, and in weather can lead to more serious issues of damp if left unfixed.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Pete


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