Making the best of what you have is more than just sheer necessity; it is an art in its own right – especially when it comes to space making. The constraints and challenges of a space can be transformed into its distinctive features through careful consideration and a few quick design moves. Simple, effective and easy to apply, these fourteen tips let you maximize on a given footprint, as well as explode the potential it holds and the aesthetic it presents.

Essentially, all design ideas and tricks to make your home look bigger rely on your capacity to connect the dots; form, layout, circulation, lighting, decor and finish – all play their part in determining the overall look and feel of a space. Whether you are looking to shift things around or are populating a space from scratch, start with a functionally effective and efficient layout.

The location and orientation of furniture and elements within the overall space and to each other, the layout of activities, as well as the circulation and movement through them, when streamlined automatically make a room look larger and spacious. You can then build upon, elaborate, tweak and adapt the layout to suit your aesthetic and visual requirements and ambitions.

Also, don’t be afraid to work a little illusion into your arrangement; the placing of elements and surfaces can work utter magic into your home. Mirrors and reflective surfaces, wall art and lighting come with their own rules to avoid overwhelming a space with these.

Finally, do not underestimate the power of line and pattern to turn things around – make sure the layout and cosmetics of your home go hand in hand in order to create bigger, grander impressions.

Check the Amara‘s infographic below and make your home more spacious than it ever was!

14 Furniture Arranging Tricks For Your Home

Published in: Smart home | Author: Laleema