Furniture is expensive these days, so it’s no wonder so many people are making their own. It’s a fun project, and you can customize each piece to fit your needs exactly.

However, before you start, you’ll need to grab some equipment. While a few of the things you need you may already have in your home (like a ruler or tape measure), there are specialized tools that will make the job much easier.

A Picture Of Someone Measuring A Block Of WoodPhoto credit: Pexels

#1 Table Saw

So you have the wood, you have the plans, and you’re ready to go; what now?

The fastest way to cut planks to size is with a saw. There are a lot of options depending on your budget and comfort level with power tools, but a table saw is the most widely used choice for the precise cuts you need for complicated projects. It’s also the most versatile saw tool available, and is powerful enough to cut through steel.

#2 Chisel

A chisel requires some dexterity, but it’s invaluable for very small handmade cuts such as joints and details.

Joints join two pieces of wood together, and the quality of the joint determines how well the piece holds up. A good chisel will give you the most control over the shape and style of the joint, so you can get that perfect fit.

Details and decoration aren’t necessary for function, but it’s an easy way to turn an ordinary piece of furniture into a work of art. You can carve whatever designs you want into your piece, to match the rest of your home perfectly.

#3 Power Drill

Theoretically, you can use a hammer and nails to hold the planks together. However, this is time-consuming and prone to accidents. Smashed fingers aren’t fun, and bent nails can damage your wood, too.

Thankfully, there’s a more beginner-friendly way to nail your joints in place. A power drill can insert or remove a screw in seconds, saving you time and money.

Drills are also useful for making precise holes in the wood, of which you’ll probably need a lot. Again, an electric drill is much quicker and easier than trying to do everything by hand.

The faster you get your project done, the sooner you can move on to the next one.

#4 Orbital Sander

If you’re going to build wood furniture, the end result should be smoothed out by sanding. This ensures you won’t get splinters while you use it, and overall adds a finishing touch.

You can sand the wood by hand, but like using a power drill, it’s much faster to use a specialized tool. Sanding sessions can be very long, especially for larger furniture. A powered tool will give you a smoother surface than anything you can do by hand.

An orbital sander is ideal since it’s beginner-friendly, relatively cheap, and more versatile than other handheld sanders.

#5 Wood Finish

Whatever your project is, if it’s made of wood, then you’ll need to top it off with a wood finish. Wood is porous, which means it absorbs liquid and other contaminants easily. Over time, liquid will damage your furniture beyond recovery, so it’s important to apply a protective layer early.

Also, wood finishes such as stains or paints add a neater, more professional look to your project. The finish you choose is up to your personal taste.

Have Fun With It!

Woodworking is an exciting and fulfilling hobby. In fact, if you keep learning and building your skill set, it can be more than a hobby. Carpenters are in high demand, whether you start your own business or just take a few commissions from friends.

Whatever your dream project is, these tools are the best investment to make it happen.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Lynn


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