Pretty, Painted And Unique Chairs   (1)

When you look at these pretty, painted chairs you at first glance will not see exactly how unique they are. Designed by Elliat Rich, the Decennia chair is very much a unique chair as it gets better over time and the more it is used. The chairs are fully functional and have been on display in Milan as part of a large exhibition during design week.

Pretty, Painted And Unique Chairs   (2)

Australian Elliat Rich has made the unique chairs stand out more by formulating a paint process that slowly wears away removing the outer, rough lime finished white paint – revealing patterns and colors that make give the unique chairs a totally new look. Each chair made by Rich will wear at a different rate of time and also in different places because of the way we sit.

Pretty, Painted And Unique Chairs   (3)

Not only are these pretty, painted chairs unique, they are also manufactured from reclaimed timber. Over time you get to glimpse the colors and patterns underneath the plain white exterior paint, pinks, blues, yellows and much more are revealed over time with these unique chairs that will look great in almost any home and also serve to remind us to try and lessen our impact on our surroundings and environment.