Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (1)

It’s time to upgrade our neighborhoods a bit, don’t you think? Individuals who take public transportation regularly are the true strength of society. They have to brave steep hills, inclement weather and various types of interesting people to get where they need to go. Their experience is different than their car-driving counterparts. So why not make their journey a little more comforting and a lot more fascinating while they make it to and from their destinations? hufton+crow, a photographer duo specializing in architectural photography, has provided us with a sneak peak of what’s to come in the world of unique bus stops.

Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (2)

Located in Krumbach, Austria, these unique bus stops not only give its travelers a new way to look at travel, but it also greatly improves the roadway’s appearance. This project combined the contemporary ideas of over five designers from all over the world. The first design, from Sou Fujimoto, features a staircase layout that seemingly makes it easier for travelers to see their incoming bus a little further down the road. The second design, by Rintala Eggertson Architects, creates a bus stop reminiscent of home. The third design, crafted by architect Vylder Vinck Taillieu, provides an ultramodern approach to shelter and warmth from the elements. The fourth design, from Alexander Brodsky, upgrades the traditional bus stop by incorporating wood and glass. Last but not least, our last bus stop design is brought to us by Ensamble Studio, who got pretty creative with wooden slats in order to create a more natural feel.

Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (3)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (4)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (5)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (6)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (7)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (8)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (9)Unique Austrian Bus Stops  (10)

These unique bus stops are very innovative to say the least! It’s about time we took care of our public travelers!