Translating a range of furniture ideas into an inclusive three dimensional experience, designer Filip Janssens brings us the Jointed Cube. The steel framed outdoor installation extrudes a series of lines and geometries into a considered interplay of solid and void, surface and opening. Built for display at the Salon del Mobile 2015, you can explore and experience the cube at ‘A Belgian Village’.

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Lines and rigid geometries build and evolve to explode into the cube, and spill out of it, articulating a series of surfaces, elements and interfaces that invite and engage the viewer. A singular geometry finds expression as a spectrum of functions; the cube adapts to offer seating stools, tables to work on and surfaces to display the highlights of the day.

The cube further expands to encase this geometric progression as well as any visitors into it. The resulting composition thus breaks free of the geometries that contain it, anchoring the design into its organic surround.

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Built of steel frame and pine wood, this outdoor installation experiments with openness and embrace, offering a blend of both within its humble volume. An experience to be relished once cube at a time, one frame at a time, the Cube hints at the silent genius of its designer while inspiring the very same in you.

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Published in: Design picks | Author: Laleema