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4 Common Problems with Residential Furnaces Every Homeowner Should Know

Homeowners rely on their furnaces to keep their homes comfortable and warm during winter. However, furnaces are complex machines that can develop various problems over time. Here are four common furnace issues that every homeowner should be aware of:

Thermostat DisplayPhoto credit: Unsplash

#1 Pilot Light Issues

A furnace’s pilot light is responsible for igniting the burner inside the unit. If the pilot light goes out, the burner will not turn on, and the furnace will not produce heat. A few things can cause a pilot light to go out, such as a draft, a dirty sensor, or a problem with the gas line. In some cases, the thermocouple (a safety device that monitors the pilot light) may need to be replaced.

If you suspect your pilot light has gone out, taking action quickly is vital. First, check to see if the gas valve is turned on. If it is, you’ll need to relight the pilot light using a match or lighter. Once the flame is lit, you should hold down the button for 30 seconds to give the furnace time to restart.

Some of these issues are relatively easy to fix and can be resolved without calling a professional. However, if you are not comfortable troubleshooting the issue, it is always best to call a qualified HVAC technician.

#2 Thermostat Problems

The thermostat is responsible for controlling the furnace, so it can cause various issues when it malfunctions. One of the most common problems is that the furnace will either not turn on or will not turn off when it should. This can lead to an uncomfortable living situation, wasted energy, and higher utility bills.

Another problem is that the furnace will cycle on and off more frequently than usual. This can also lead to wasted energy, higher bills, and unnecessary wear and tear on the furnace. If you suspect that your furnace has any type of thermostat issue, it is best to contact a professional for assistance.

#3 Dirty Filters

Dirty filters are one of the most common problems with residential furnaces. Not only do they reduce the efficiency of the furnace, but they can also lead to many other problems. Dirty filters can cause the furnace to overheat, leading to a potentially dangerous situation. They can also cause the furnace to work harder than necessary, resulting in higher energy bills.

In addition, dirty filters can contribute to poor indoor air quality and even cause respiratory problems. They can also cause the furnace to cycle on and off more frequently, leading to premature wear and tear. Regular maintenance can help keep your filters clean and functional.

#4 Drafty Ductwork

Ductwork is the system of pipes and vents that delivers hot air from the furnace to the rooms in your home. Over time, the ductwork can develop leaks, which allow heated air to escape before it reaches its destination. As a result, your furnace has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, leading to higher energy bills and increased wear and tear on the system.

In some cases, drafty ductwork can also cause the furnace to overheat, causing a fire hazard. If you suspect your furnace is not operating as efficiently as it should, have a professional inspect your ductwork for leaks. By sealing up the leaks, you can improve your furnace’s performance and lower your energy costs.


Furnaces are a vital part of any home, and it’s crucial to keep them in good condition by performing regular maintenance. Knowing the common problems with residential furnaces, you can proactively address any issues before they become more significant. If you have questions or need help with furnace maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact a trusted HVAC professional.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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