Becoming a homeowner is something the average person works years to achieve. If you’ve only rented homes or apartments in the past, you might be unprepared for the amount of work that goes into owning a home. Whenever serious repair issues arise, it is solely your responsibility as a homeowner to get them fixed.

A functional plumbing system is something most people take for granted. One of the main goals you should have as a homeowner is to avoid serious plumbing emergencies. Read below to find out more about how to keep your residential plumbing system damage free.

Kitchen SinkPhoto credit: Pexels

Avoid Flushing the Wrong Things in Your Toilet

If your main goal is to avoid plumbing repair issues, then you need to familiarize yourself with the various components of your plumbing system. Perhaps the most used plumbing component in any home is the toilets. If the toilets in a home aren’t working, it can result in lots of water damage and a ton of other damage. In most cases, the problems a residential toilet has can be prevented by avoiding a few key things.

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make with their toilets is flushing things like hygiene products, diapers and paper towels. Ideally, the only thing you want to flush down your toilet is either flushable wipes or toilet paper. Being mindful about what goes into your toilet can help you give your plunger a rest. Ignoring this commonsense advice will lead to plumbing disasters taking place.

Have Your Water Heater Drained Yearly

Homeowners in the United States spend millions of dollars a year on plumbing repairs. Broken water heaters are among the most common home plumbing repair issues. Extending the life of your water heater is possible if you abide by a maintenance schedule. One of the best things you can do for your water heater is to have it flushed and drained at least once a year.

By doing this, you can remove the sediment that has formed in your water heater tank. Failing to get rid of this substance can lead to clogs over time. Removing sediment will not only extend the life of your water heater, it will also help it run more efficiently. This means you can save a few dollars on your monthly energy bill.

Insulate Exposed Plumbing Pipes

Many homes have exterior plumbing pipes that are exposed. These exposed pipes can be vulnerable to extreme temperatures. If you live in an area where freezing temperatures are common, then you need to make sure your outdoor plumbing pipes are insulated. If these pipes aren’t insulated, they might freeze up. Once the water inside of these pipes starts to thaw, problems can occur.

Usually, frozen plumbing pipes will rupture once they start to thaw out. This can result in tons of water damage, which is why you need to do all you can to protect these uncovered pipes. By consulting with an experienced plumber, you can figure out the best way to cover your pipes.

Pipes InsulationPhoto credit: Pixabay

Keep Your Septic Tank Clean

A full septic tank can make the drains in a home overflow. If you want to avoid this problem, then you need to have your septic tank pumped every two years or so. By taking preventative action, you can avoid the problems caused by a full septic tank. Hiring experienced professionals to perform this job is wise because they have the equipment needed to get fast results.


As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to avoid plumbing emergencies. Working with the right plumber will allow you to stay one step ahead of repair issues.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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