Even the best houses run into problems every now and then. And whether this is related to the original construction of the house or just everyday wear and tear, it is almost always better to fix the issue quickly rather than let it off. This can prevent the problem from becoming a major safety hazard or prohibitively expensive to resolve.

Here are 4 of the most common home repair issues, and what you should do if you identify them.

Household RepairPhoto credit: Pexels

#1 Leaking Faucets

Having a faucet in your home constantly drip can be very annoying but leaving the issue unattended can cause much greater problems than just irritation. Over time, a leaking faucet can waste a lot of water, which naturally costs money. Additionally, if you put off the repair, the faucet can spring a deeper leak which will be much more difficult to repair.

Fortunately, repairing this is simple if you move quickly. In most cases, all you’ll need to do is replace the faucet’s washers and O-rings. The things you’ll need to do this are cheap and available at most DIY stores.

#2 Damp

Damp can be a highly unpleasant issue for your home. Not only can it affect the smell and air quality of your home, but it can severely damage the walls of your house if left untreated.

If you catch your damp problem early, you can usually resolve it simply by improving the ventilation in your home. Installing a dehumidifier, keeping windows open when possible, and installing window vents can all help with this. If damp is still an issue after trying these fixes, however, you may need to consult a professional.

#3 Faulty Air Conditioning Units

It can be easy to ignore a broken AC unit when you don’t need it, but when you need it, you’ll have wished you sorted the issue when it first appeared. Unfortunately, air conditioners are fairly complicated machines, so in many instances, you will need to contact a repair company for the majority of repairs.

However, it may be worth checking if the AC filters are dirty or if a fuse in the unit has blown, as in these instances, you can easily get your AC unit working again yourself.

#4 Holes in Roofing

Even a small hole in your roof can quickly cause major problems in your home. Once a hole appears, it can rapidly expand after water penetration and become an entry point for pests and mold to further damage the house.

If you are confident with DIY, you may want to try fixing a small hole in a roof yourself. To do so, you’ll need tools to remove the old and damaged shingles, nails, and plywood, and new replacement wood and shingles to install in their place, as well as roofing cement.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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