There may come a time when remodeling the house may be necessary for a homeowner. Whether you want to add some extra space to your rooms, or upgrade your decor, remodeling the house is not as simple as it may seem.

Whenever you decide to remodel your house, you need to ensure that everything will go according to plan. To ensure your project goes smoothly, you need to avoid some common remodeling mistakes. Here is what you shouldn’t do when remodeling a house!

Home Remodel Mistakes

Neglect to Buy Extra Flooring

If you are replacing your old flooring, you need to order some extra flooring just in case. You need to take any irregularly-shaped corners and the fact that the flooring could get discontinued in the future into account, and always order 10% to 20% extra flooring. Don’t be stingy when it comes to extra flooring while remodeling your house.

Buy Furniture or Appliances Too Early

Make sure the project plans are finalized so that whatever measurements you will take are accurate. Otherwise, you could risk buying furniture or appliances that won’t fit in the new space. This is among the biggest mistakes you can make when remodeling your house.

Working Without a Permit

If you hire a contractor, they will most likely have all the necessary building permits when starting to work for you. But you can always check with your local municipal building department to determine if you need a specific permit for your project. If you start work without the proper permits, you could risk your project being torn down, or your home’s value may be affected if you ever want to sell.

Choosing Cheap Material

As the old saying goes, ‘’You get what you pay for.’’ When it comes to home construction products and materials, you should think long-term. You may save some money upfront if you choose cheap materials, but the cost of maintenance will increase over time. Cheaper products won’t last long in heavily-trafficked areas like the bathroom or the kitchen.

Renovations may cost more than expected, but try to invest in the best products and materials you can afford. High-end appliances and fixtures are a good idea as they will add value to your house and last for years.

Ignoring Homeowners Association (HOA) Regulations

If you break their regulations, the HOA can shut down your project right away. For example, an exterior paint job or a large kitchen renovation might require approval first. You should be mindful of the rules and regulations since they affect everyone.

Some of the most common HOA rules include architectural restrictions, lawn and holiday decoration restrictions, noise complaint policies, home maintenance standards, parking, pet limits, and short-term rental restrictions.

Ignoring Your Home’s Architectural Style

One of the most common remodeling mistakes is making additions to the home that don’t match the original architectural style. You can make changes to your house as long as they complement the architectural style of your home. If you don’t, the value of your house can significantly decrease.


Before you start remodeling, do some research beforehand and take your time. Some homeowners ask friends or family to help them out to save money. Unfortunately, this can lead to costly mistakes or damage to the furniture or other elements in the home.

It is best to hire professional architects, landscapers, contractors, or specialized home design professionals. You should always consider your home to be an investment, so if possible, try to avoid common mistakes.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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