Organizing your home is proven to make you feel better. It will also make others more comfortable, when they visit you. That is why it is important to go through the process every once in a while, since no matter how well we declutter, the task keeps coming back. Next time, you do it, here is what you need to think about.

Declutter Your HousePhoto credit: Pexels

Clear Off Flat Spaces

The biggest mistake most of us does, in a house, is to position things on flat surfaces just because they are available. It is almost as if we are afraid of the void. However, modern houses are empty of useless items. Whereas before you needed to place everything in view from photos, to books, certificates and other personal items, now they should be stored away from anyone’s vision.

Keeping flat spaces clear, also means moving that TV out of the way. Now that screens are also flat, you simply need to install TV mounts. That will go a long way into the work of increasing house space. Keep in mind that decluttering is not only in terms of what you see, but also for practical reasons. Cleaning around a television is often hard to do, and it also seems to be in the way of movements, and in danger of falling. Once on the wall, it will be protected and you can easily position it better, thanks to the full motion TV mount.

Start with the Easiest Room

If your house is badly in need, then it is probably an overwhelming task that you keep postponing, day after day. It is always easier to start somewhere you can actually see the end coming soon. Find the room in the house that has the less work to do and begin with flat surfaces. Take the job one piece of furniture at a time, so that you feel content when one is complete. However, don’t stop there. You need to complete one room before you move on to something else. It is the only thing that will give you the necessary determination to keep going and clean the whole house.

Forget about the Original Value of Objects

We live in a consumer society. That translates into the fact that we tend to buy objects we won’t ever use, or only a few times. Sometimes, they can be quite costly, and that becomes an issue in our mind, when time comes to put it away. You need to remove that data from your mind. No matter how much the object cost you in the first place, it will not make you use it more, after years have passed. If you want to recuperate part of your loss, do a garage sale. If not, then store everything that you don’t use, no matter what the value of these objects is.

To declutter your house is a difficult task. There often is emotional attachment to things. However, storing doesn’t mean losing. So just place your personal items in a safe place, away from view. You’ll feel even more joy, next time you go through them.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Lynn


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