If you’re a homeowner, you may find that, over the years, your home has become cluttered, crowded, and unorganized. This commonly happens after more than a few years living in one space, so there’s no need to be embarrassed — we’ve all been there!

With the housing market looking as extremely favorable for sellers, now’s a perfect time to start organizing — just in case selling your home becomes a top priority in the coming months. Here are 7 great tips to get your started!

Home Organizing Tips

#1 Clean Here, There, and Everywhere

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic first touched our shores, it’s doubly important to keep your home clean — especially if you’re considering selling your home in the near future.

Top real estate agents noted that home prices are high and will most likely only continue to rise. A sure fire way of turning off buyers and reducing the price of your property, however, would be presenting a dirty home.

It’s best to keep your home tidy even if you’re not planning to sell anytime soon. Be sure to follow the basic rules for home disinfection , and don’t forget to dust the tops of shelves and window sills. If you hate cleaning, try motivating yourself with a cleaning schedule. This could mean setting certain chores for yourself once a week or setting a timer for 10 minutes everyday. Once done, you can really start organizing!

#2 Have a Donation or Recycling Bin Around at All Times

It’s always best not to be wasteful. As we’re purging our home from clutter, it’s easy to simply toss everything away. Placing a large donation or recycling container nearby will help diminish the urge to simply throw everything away. Once the container gets full, bring it to the nearest thrift store or homeless center. This way, unused items don’t pile up and you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’re not being wasteful.

#3 Tackle One Space at a Time

Organizing can be a stressful activity for a lot of people, so experts suggest simplifying your efforts. View your home in different sections, and feel free to start small — even if it means beginning with just a coat closet or storage space rather than the busy kitchen or living areas.

If you’re able to, set a goal to have your first section finished in the first week. This is an achievable aim, and you’ll start seeing real progress much faster than if you decided to declutter your entire home at once.

#4 Use the 12-12-12 Decluttering Method

We all understand that decluttering and organizing is a daunting task, so here’s a helpful method to get you started.

First, label your boxes so you know what to keep, donate, and throw out. Each day, find 12 items to keep, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to throw away. After just a month, you’ll find your home is considerably less cluttered and more spacious. Especially remember to focus on your storage spaces.

And just think, once your home is decluttered and organized, you may find it’s the perfect time to contact a real estate agent and consider selling your home.

#5 Label Everything

All your organizing efforts will be completely in vain if you don’t develop a method to ensure your property stays organized, so remember to label everything. Shoving unlabeled bozeds away to storage spaces will only make your job harder when you’re searching for your belongings later, so label everything before you put it away! In addition to organizing your physical belongings, keeping your mind organized helps to keep your home organized, so whether you invest in a 2023 planner, start keeping your smartphone calendar up to date or leave post-it notes with to-do items you can cross off, a decluttered mind leads to a decluttered and organized living space.

#6 Apply the One In, One Out Rule

We all love shopping, however, if you’re only adding to your closet without removing anything, your storage spaces may quickly become overfilled.

Whenever you bring home a new dress or purse, find a like-for-like item to donate. This will help keep your closet space neat, decluttered, and organized.

#7 Don’t Put It Down, Put It Away

Oftentimes, once we’re finished using our household items — like books, scissors, wrapping paper, etc — our first instinct is to simply place it down on the counter. This creates clutter and only causes more problems when we go searching for the item down the road.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Yanita


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