Windows are an important component of a structure, whether it is a residential or a commercial building. They provide natural lighting and ventilation and support sustainable energy that is helpful to the environment. Windows can come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, which provides great aesthetics to your home. If you are planning to renovate or build a new structure, there is plenty to consider when installing windows in order to maximize their effectiveness. Here are some dos and don’ts in placing windows.

House Windows

Window Installation Dos

Create Consistency

To achieve a desirable aesthetic, you need to create consistency in your window placement. There are many varieties of windows that you can choose from, but you have to make sure that each one is placed consistently within a given space. For example, installing different window styles in a living room is not advisable.

Match Existing Windows

If you are renovating your house, it is better to match your existing windows rather than incorporating a new concept for just one area.

Replace Your Windows with Doors

Renovations entail improving and upgrading the function and design of your house. If your home does not have enough natural lighting and ventilation, you may replace one set with a door. Doors can also provide more airflow, lighting, and access for your existing house.

Consider Minimum Openings

Ideally, space requires openings that are more than 10% of its floor area. This way, the minimum requirements will provide enough ventilation for that room. Installing small windows will affect the overall usability of a room, so make sure to consider minimum openings.

Proper Location

Identifying the proper location for installing your windows is also important. It’s best to choose a strategic location for your windows, so they can capture natural breezes. For example, placing a wide window would be ideal if it’s facing an open space rather than one facing a concrete wall. The size and shape of the window matter as well, learn more about it here.

A Window With a View

A window’s primary purpose is to provide natural air and light to go into your house. It is also best to find a location for a window that will have a great view of the exterior.

Window Installation Don’ts

Placing a Window That Obstructs a Path

Placing a window opening that would obstruct a pathway can be hazardous. If you are using a swing or awning type window, it will use up exterior space to open its panels. People might forget about that window and might bump their heads while walking on that pathway.

Blocking the Openings

If you are planning on planting some plants in your backyard, make sure that it won’t block your windows. Interfering with your window’s function takes away its purpose.

Installing a Fixed Window That Needs Ventilation

This is one of the common mistakes made by people doing their installation project. Spaces such as the bathroom, kitchen, and basement need natural ventilation because of their functions. It can be hazardous to people using those spaces if it uses fixed windows.

Placing Large Windows on the West Side

Placing large windows on the west side of your home would let the afternoon sunlight in, which can increase the temperature of your interior space. It would be wise to find different locations for installing your windows and have a different treatment for the west side of your home.


Installing your windows takes proper planning and execution. Now that you know some of the do’s and don’ts of this project, you need to gather more information about how to secure your windows tightly to avoid further damage from natural elements.

Published in: Home advice | Author: Lynn


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